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Much of his work has been devoted to analysis of network and transport service industries including rail, air, energy, telecommunications, banking, and information technologies. His research on competition policy bears on the delineation of markets, the measurement of unilateral and coordinated effects, and the impact of . If you are Marc IVALDI , you may change this information at the RePEc Author Service. Or if you are not registered and would like to be listed as well, register at the RePEc Author Service.

When you register or update your RePEc registration,.

He mainly studies network and transport service industries (rail, air, energy, telecommunications, banking and information technologies). Home Page URL: Not Supplied . Quantifying the effects from horizontal mergers in European competition policy. Toulouse School of Economics. Incentive regulatory policies: the case of public transit systems in France.

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The Economics of Tacit Collusion. But then, the relevant question becomes the impact of these more profound asymmetries in cost or product range or quality. As we will see, these asymmetries tend indeed: (i ) to hinder . Marc Ivaldi , Bruno Jullien, Patrick Rey, Paul Seabright, Jean Tirole. Les régions, autorité organisatrice du transport ferroviaire signeraient des contrats de régie ou de délégation de service public avec la SNCF, Veolia, Renfe ou Deutsche Bahn.

We consider contracts for public transport services between a public authority and a transport operator. Il est chargé de coordonner le projet du candidat, dont les grandes lignes ont été révélées à la presse la semaine dernière. Alors que Dominique Reynié vit une . AIRPORT PRICES IN A TWO SIDED FRAMEWORK: AN EMPIRICAL.

ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY AND POLITICAL CAPTURE IN. PUBLIC SERVICE CONTRACTS. We build a structural endogenous switching model where the contract choice . We derive the market equilibrium and . Motivated by the higher price sensitivity and service homogenisation in the airline industry in recent years, we propose a new methodology to deal with transact.

Department of Economics and Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM), University College London, London, UK, . Unilateral and Coordinated Effects.

Europe Direct is a service to help you find to your questions about the European. Herfindahl-Hirschman index in the Merger Guidelines of the US Department of Justice is. ALTERNATIVE SCENARIOS FOR THE REFORM OF POSTAL SERVICES : Optimal Pricing and Welfare Helmuth Cremer Marc De Rycke André Grimaud 1. Renegotiation of Contracts in the French Urban Transport Industry.

Cost-Benefit Analysis in an Intermodal and Intramodal Competition Context. Quels ont été les impacts du passe Navigo unique à euros depuis sa mise en service en .


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