Jcb 520 40 engine fluid specs

LIFT HEIGHT: metres ( 13ft 1in) MAX. Length to Fork Face, 11. Parallel lift and long chassis provide excellent stability. OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES litres (UK gal). Tires ft-in (m ) ft-in (m). Boom control lever incorporating .

Complete professional advice, including motor oil , gearbox oil (transaxle) and lubricants for the power steering system, brake system and cooling system. Gross Horsepower, hp. Hydraulic System Reservoir, 8. Complies with FEM stability test 4. Investing in the correct new equipment, . Lift capacity to full height.

G Overall length to front of carriage. Outer turn radius over tyres. Diesel engines that utilise DOC (Diesel oxidation catalyst), DPF.

Diesel particulate filter) and SCR (Selective catalytic reduction) aftertreatment technology to meet emissions . JCB ENGINE OIL UP 15W40. A Overall Height (standard cab). Very compact dimensions and excellent maneuverability enable the 5- to work in buildings only previously accessible to skid steer machines such as those typically found on pig and poultry farms. Two-range hydrostatic transmission enables precise operation for . Incredible versatility is achieved through compact dimensions and the additional lift height provided by a telescopic boom. Epicyclic hub reduction.

In board oil immersed brakes. Brochure: Filters, Exhaust and Accessories for the Oil and Gas Industry. Bypass Valve Setting LR: PSI ( Bar). Tyres used for specifications.

SERVICE FILL CAPACITIES. Technical specifications : Wheel loader. Engine oil : (ltr), 19. Transmission oil systee( ltr), 34. Dimensions : Standard High lift boom, Super High lift .


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